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    Faculty of Education

Sağlık Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı (Tezsiz İ.Ö. Yüksek Lisans)

1. General Information about Program

The Department of Health Management was established in parallel with the development and change process of health management in the world. The department develops its knowledge on the management of health services and institutions by conducting education, training and research, and maintains its feature of being the first and pioneer in this field in Turkey. The aim of the program is to train students who have the theoretical knowledge of health institutions management to contribute to the sector, who can plan, conduct and conclude independent research in their own field, and who can take part in multi-disciplinary studies. The language of instruction of the program is Turkish. The program includes more than one discipline, therefore it is a program that interests people from different fields of expertise. Its scope has been created by taking into account the undergraduate education of the people to be included in the program. The program is related to health and social sciences in the management of health institutions and is a graduate program aimed at increasing knowledge and experience on this subject. Within the scope of the program, health systems, management and organization of health institutions, financial management in health institutions, quality management, human resources management, health policies, etc. Includes lectures on scientific research topics.

2. Qualification Awarded

Students who successfully complete the program are awarded a master's degree in Health Management.

3. Level of Degree

Master's Degree

4. Provisions for Registration

  1. Not to be less than 70 standard points in the Equal Weight (EA) score type from the ALES exam administered centrally by OSYM, or an equivalent standard score from an exam whose equivalence to ALES is accepted by YÖK,
  2. A minimum of 2.50 undergraduate graduation GPA
  3. Having at least 70 foreign language scores from YDS, YÖKDİL or ÖSYM equivalent exams,
  4. During the application, the candidates' goals and objectives for the future; They will also be asked to write a letter of purpose reflecting their perspectives on science, scientific developments and health management.

5. Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of previous formal learning in Turkish Higher Education institutions, vertical, horizontal and university transitions are carried out according to Eskişehir Osmangazi University Postgraduate Education Regulation.

6. Qualification Requirements and Rules

The program will be implemented according to the principles stipulated by the Eskişehir Osmangazi University Postgraduate Education Regulation. In order to graduate from the program, not less than 21 credits (120 ECTS) in total, 1 (one) compulsory course in the first semester, 6 (six) elective courses (3 in the first semester, 3 elective courses in the second semester), 1 (one) seminar lesson; in the third and fourth semesters, the specialization course and thesis work are selected; Courses and thesis work must be successfully completed.

7. Goals and Objectives

Health institutions that have reached a sufficient level in health management by providing modern and universal health management education, are open to development in their own field, can establish a dialogue with the people they work with, and can fulfill the requirements of independent and collaborative work when necessary, knowledgeable, enlightened, and have adopted the principle of adherence to ethical rules. To train management science experts.

8. Program Qualifications (Learning Outcomes)

1. Has theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of health management. Examines and evaluates the national and international literature related to the relevant field.

2. Develops knowledge based on basic competencies related to the field of health management. Develops research proposal based on literature review.

3. Understands the multidisciplinary interaction of the field of health management. Determines a topic from the recommendations and prepares a report on this topic. Presents and discusses the research report. Uses individual and teamwork skills in national and international projects.

4. Creates and conducts independent research using a technique known in the field. Uses a foreign language effectively in following the literature related to the field of curriculum development.

5. Solves the problems that arise in the health management process by using scientific methods and techniques. Uses higher-order thinking skills (e.g. critical thinking, problem solving, creative thinking, decision making, reflection). Uses scientific research skills in their own research. Compliance with ethical rules. Using communication skills effectively.

6. Plans, executes, observes, measures and evaluates organizational goals.

7. Presents leadership characteristics in health institutions.

8. Develops new strategic approaches to solve unforeseen complex problems encountered in administrative practices of health facilities.

9. Expands the limits of knowledge in the field by publishing scientific articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals.

10. Critically evaluate the subjects related to his field with the knowledge and skills he has at the level of expertise.

11. Determines the learning needs related to the field and directs the learning.

12. Introduces the developments in the field to the working and social environments.

13. Develops effective strategies to ensure institutional participation and support in the managerial practices of health facilities.


9. Employment Opportunities for Graduates

Graduates are employed as middle and senior managers responsible for administrative, financial and technical affairs in a wide range of services as well as the field of general health management.

10. Transition to Higher Degree Programs

Candidates who have successfully completed their master's education can study in doctoral programs in their field or related fields, provided that they get a valid score from ALES or equivalent exams and have a Language score accepted by the Institute Board and approved by our University Senate.

11. Exams, Assessment and Evaluation

The measurement and evaluation methods applied for each course are defined in the "Course Teaching Plan" prepared by the relevant faculty member/s and included in the Information package.

12. Graduation Requirements

To have successfully completed at least 120 ECTS credits and to be successful in the thesis defense exam.

13. Education Type

Full Time Education

14. Address and Contact Information (Department/Program Head, Assistants)

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversity

Eskişehir School of Health

Meşelik Kampüsü/Eskişehir Tel : 022202393750
Prof. Dr. Menderes TARCAN (Head of Healthcare Management Program) -Dahili No:1178

15. Department/Program Opportunities

There are 1 professor, 2 assistant professor and 2 research assistants in the Department of Health Management.


17. Objectives & Learning Outcomes (T.Y.Y.Ç)
